I have done a questionaire, which asks people how often they read local newspapers, and if so what they will expect in them, and the feedback i have recieved will be very helpful towards creating my own product, these are the results that i have found-
I have found that the Advertiser could be made a lot better if it had a lot less advertisements, and a lot more actual news stories and features, as people would find it much more readable if the newspaper had more features to read in it, and the main audience for this are people aged around 50/60, as these people have more free time on their hands, and also there is evidence of them being more inclined to read these newspapers, as certain features in this have much more contributions from older people than younger people.
And for the Daily Echo, i have also found that the audience for this seem to be around the 30/40/50 age range, as younger people don't seem to have time to read newspapers in general, they are just not interested in local affairs, or just aren't really that bothered either way but won;t go to the trouble of buying and reading newspapers in particualr the Daily Echo.
I have also found, that when asking people what they immediately think of when they hear/see 'The Daily Shot' what first comes into their head, and i have found that the vast majority think of a gun shot when they first hear the word 'shot' , whereas for me i think of a shot in sport, for example a football shot or a basketball shot, and also this could be intepreted as a shot/injection of news